These sides to love.

Anusheh M
1 min readJan 18, 2023

These sides to love I have never seen
through the edges of my fickle heart.
Scenes I have rehearsed for another season
are loitering past the curtains of my past.

If I slow my heartbeat down to yours
will you remember to keep your eyes in mine?

Afraid my poems wouldn’t rhyme for you
I hummed them under my breath
Doubt that bled through the bandage
I let everyone else’s words get to you instead.

Did we begin when we met
or when we didn’t meet anyone else?

Between the see saw of what you’d say next
I promised to keep your fragrance close
and our eyes at arms length.
For I am yet to bid farewell
to the places we’ll never get to share
The places that shade stories
of the people we’ll never get to tell.

For how can I make it clear to myself?

That every one that has come closer
has been running from someone else.




Anusheh M

And as what is meant to be nears, we will greet it as if it hasn't already been foreseen.